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Neck Massager Device

Due to the tension and fast pace of modern life makes it very difficult for us to catch our breath, the body is also received very, very much pressure, many people are using the cervical spine massage instrument to relieve themselves. Cervical spine massage instrument is very comfortable can improve our fatigue, but do you know the working principle of cervical spine massage instrument?

Why do you have sore neck?

First of all, prolonged standing or sitting posture will make the muscles in a longer contraction state, thus muscle tension, and long-term muscle spasm will cause local soft tissue vascular spasm, muscle and fascia blood supply is insufficient, nutritional disorders, and at the same time these conditions will make the aseptic inflammation of muscle tissue aggravated, so forming a vicious circle, making shoulder and neck pain increased.


Secondly, during exercise, the metabolic process of glucose in our body produces intermediate products, which is called lactic acid. Due to the relatively excessive exercise, more than the intensity of aerobic exercise, which leads to the body produced lactic acid can not be further decomposed into water and carbon dioxide in a short period of time, the oxygen supply is insufficient and the formation of anaerobic metabolism, which leads to a large amount of lactic acid in the body to form a buildup. Lactic acid buildup will cause local muscle pain, plus if our shoulders and neck have long-term chronic weight-bearing activities or cold, it is easy to lead to poor blood flow, local muscle strain and lactic acid buildup, resulting in the phenomenon of neck pain.

The last common reason is due to prolonged low work and computer use, high pillow sleep, long driving time, etc., so that the cervical spine degenerative changes, when the cervical spine degeneration to a certain extent will cause cervical spine osteophytes, and cervical disc herniation and other cervical spondylosis, osteophytes and disc herniation compression to the nerves, muscles and ligaments in the neck will cause neck pain. Once suffering from cervical spondylosis, there may also be adverse symptoms such as back pain, upper limb weakness, numbness in the fingers, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.


The principle of neck massager

Knowing the main causes of neck pain, you can prescribe the right medicine on the question of whether to buy a neck massage instrument. First of all, for the cause of muscle spasm, most of the neck massage instruments on the market use the principle of low frequency pulse current, TENS pulse current, EMS pulse current, heat application, etc. to relieve neck pain.


Among them, low-frequency pulsed current is used to stimulate nerve muscles with a frequency of 1000H or less, causing the muscles to contract and thus achieving relief. The TENS pulse current is a specific low-frequency pulse current through the skin into the body, and mainly to stimulate the motor fibers of traditional electrical stimulation is different, TENS is designed to stimulate the sensory fibers to achieve the effect of analgesia. EMS pulse current is through the simulation of human brain bioelectric signals, the frequency of the neck massage instrument pulse current into the motor nerve, by regulating the intensity of the pulse current, frequency, interval time and other factors to command the muscles to work together, so that the tense muscles of the day to get relief.


In addition, we also need to pay attention to the purchased neck massage instrument massage frequency design, if the massage instrument twice the current through the time is too short, there will be completely tonic contraction of the neck muscles phenomenon, commonly known as muscle stimulation just contraction, has not relaxed completely and was electrocuted, this frequency is too fast electric shock will make the muscle has been contracted, not relaxed, the frequency of electric shock is too high but will aggravate the muscle The frequency of electric shocks is too high, but it will increase the degree of muscle spasm.

The neck pain caused by lactic acid buildup, just a small current to stimulate the muscle function of the neck massager can not meet, you can also choose a heating function of the massager style. On the one hand, hot compress can improve the blood circulation of the neck, so that the neck and shoulder muscles get a good blood supply. On the other hand, hot compress can improve the strain of the neck and shoulder muscles, tension enhancement, reduce the pressure of the intervertebral disc, play a role in the relief of herniated disc.

The scope of use of cervical spine massager

Cervical spine massager is suitable for healthy people as well as a variety of subhealth people's health care equipment. Folding cervical massager, neck massager can be used for auxiliary treatment - cervical spondylosis, cervical osteophytes and other chronic diseases of health care rehabilitation and massage physiotherapy.

The neck massager can clear the edema and hematoma of the joint capsule, loosen the muscle ligaments, reset the deformed and displaced joints, promote the regeneration of nerve function and repair tissue function.

The neck massager uses digital technology, which is now widely used in the medical and health care industry. The neck massager can stimulate and regulate the biological effect of meridians, guide the operation of qi and blood, improve the internal environment of the human body, and change the state of qi and blood imbalance in the focal area, so as to achieve the effect of both primary and secondary treatment.


How to buy the right massage instrument

Appearance: Check the overall appearance of the massager's craft level of workmanship is fine, including its design style, whether in line with modern trends, good quality massager, its shell if it is plastic, it should be bright, neat, no blistering phenomenon, regular enterprises whose products have factory inspection certificate. In addition, whether the accessories are complete.

Listen to the noise level: in accordance with the requirements of the manual, the performance of the massager test, connected to the power supply and try to open the massager, the noise should be less, if the vibration strength and speed variable massager, the keys should be flexible and reliable, change softly. Excellent quality massager, the sound when working is certainly uniform, the internal parts of the fit is quite good, poor massager due to its fit gap is large, loose parts, there will be a lot of noise.

Feel the massage effect: with strong, weak switch massager, can be opened separately strong, weak switch to see if it is flexible, open the "strong" switch on the massage parts, so that people feel a clear stronger vibration; open the "weak" switch, so that people feel a slight Gentle vibration.

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Contact: Mr Zhang

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Tel: 0755-27202019

Email: sale01@szbeautyfountain.com

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